Gregory T. Burns discusses his multi-year citizen science amphibian-focused research of vernal pools (ephemeral ponds) in east central Wisconsin. He shares notable observations and findings, including the first definitive discovery of the all-female salamander biotype, unisexual Ambystoma in southern Wisconsin (previously only known in northern WI counties).

Greg Burns, citizen scientist, Master Naturalist

Recorded August 25, 2023

Greg Burns worked in healthcare administration for almost 40 years, including serving as the chief executive officer for three hospitals. Retirement has provided the opportunity to pursue his lifelong passion for the outdoors and the natural world. Beyond amphibian research, Greg’s other citizen science activities include participating in Snapshot Wisconsin, Bald Eagle Nest Watch-Madison Audubon, and the Wisconsin Odonata Survey and serving as a field assistant for the Cooper’s Hawk research of UW-Stevens Point Professor Robert Rosenfield.