Wetland Coffee Break: Wetlands and Phragmites: Management at a landscape scale
Presenter Matt Puz discusses wetland dynamics as well as Phragmites biology and ecology, and how understanding these two concepts can lead to more effective management.
Presenter Matt Puz discusses wetland dynamics as well as Phragmites biology and ecology, and how understanding these two concepts can lead to more effective management.
Drones can do a lot more than take pretty pictures. We can now utilize drones for high-resolution imagery, artificial intelligence, spraying invasive species, or seeding native species.
Part 1 introduces concepts from state and transition models and systems approaches to invasive species management.
Integrated Restorations, LLC, has been evaluating the use of the selectively-targeted herbicide imazapyr (Polaris) for reversing cattail invasions in species-rich fen and sedge meadow wetlands of the Mukwonago River watershed in southeastern Wisconsin.