People have nurtured the 92-mile-long Lower Wisconsin riverway and its adjacent wetlands and uplands for millennia. This long history was highlighted by State Riverway designation in 1989 and by the subsequent management of both private and public lands under the purview of a citizen Riverway Board. Hear about the cultural and social history of the Riverway from Mark Cupp, director of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board and long time “river rat.” He’ll unearth the enlightening story of how people have brought their varied talents and perspectives into the ongoing and evolving process of ensuring a bright future for this unique and magnificent Wetland of International Importance.

Mark Cupp, Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board

Recorded September 25, 2020.

Mark Cupp has been the executive director of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board since the inception of the project in 1990. He was a member of the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Board from 2000-2020, recently serving as Chair.