Part 2: How a system dynamics approach works in practice

Note: This presentation will be more technical than many of the talks in the Wetland Coffee Break series
State and transition models of community dynamics predict that feedback processes and synergistic interactions among site variables maintain vegetation communities in one state condition (e.g., Phalaris dominance) rather than an alternative state condition (remnant sedge meadow). Sites that are dominated by invasive species challenge management efforts because these invasions are reinforced by detrimental feedbacks (such as accelerated litter accumulation) that resist restoration back to a pre-invaded condition. Conversely, beneficial feedbacks (such as restored hydrology) that undermine species invasions and support community recovery can be employed to augment management efforts and restore a site to a remnant condition. A systems approach recognizes and incorporates system dynamics to accelerate restoration gains and improve invasive species management outcomes. These concepts will be illustrated by a case study where a Phalaris invasion of a remnant sedge meadow in the Black Earth Creek Priority Watershed was successfully reversed by employing a comprehensive systems approach.

Craig Annen, Integrated Restorations

Recorded March 18, 2022

Craig Annen earned his bachelor’s of science in environmental science and plant molecular cell biology from Edgewood College in 1998 and his master’s of science in aquatic botany from the UW-LaCrosse in 2001. His research interests include invasive species management, economical ecology, and mathematical ecology. Craig is senior ecologist and operations manager of the firm Integrated Restorations, LLC. He speaks fluent German, is a New York Yankees fan, and is a gourmet cook of Middle Eastern and German cuisine.

Wetland Coffee Break: Toward more effective invasive species management: Part 1

Have you seen the first part of this series? If not, it will provide context to the video above.