If the waters could speak: Hoocąk voices and values
Special Banquet Presentation by Janice Rice
Wednesday, February 22, 2023 | 6:30 – 9:30 pm
Tickets: $60
Interested in the relationship between ancestral and present-day Hoocąk (Ho-Chunk) people and the landscape of Central Wisconsin?
Join the Wisconsin Wetlands Association for a special evening featuring Janice Rice, Ho-Chunk Nation member and emerita lecturer and librarian at UW-Madison, to learn more about how the interconnection of land and water has brought a richness of culture, history, and art into the lives of Hoocąk people.
Many untold stories convey the culture and values that have guided generations of Hoocąk people who have called this Central Wisconsin home. Janice will share how her people lived and prospered in their villages of the sand country region. She’ll also share how present-day Hoocąk perpetuate the values and teachings with love and respect for the lands and waters. Listen as she weaves together the voices of her Hoocąk ancestors, along with her educational experiences in academia and life in Indian Country, sharing the inspiration she feels from the beauty of the landscape and waters of central Wisconsin’s homelands.

Janice Rice is a member of the Ho-Chunk Nation and a lecturer at UW-Madison. She is also a Clan Mother and Peacemaker for the Trial Court of Ho-Chunk Nation and a board member of Ho-Chunk Nation’s museum. She received a bachelor’s degree in education from UW-Milwaukee and an MLA in library science from UW-Madison, and she was awarded the Women of Color in Education Awards from UW-Madison and the UW-System. Throughout her career, she has worked to promote American Indian education, librarianship, civil rights, intellectual freedom, and heritage preservation. She is an advocate for water quality, land stewardship, and the preservation of sacred sites and Indian mounds.
Event Details
Wednesday, February 22, 2023 | 6:30 – 9:30 pm
Join us from 4:30 – 6:30 pm for a pre-banquet social and cash bar.
Holiday Inn Hotel and Convention Center
Northwoods Expo
1001 Amber Avenue
Stevens Point, WI 54482
This special banquet presentation is held in conjunction with Wisconsin Wetland Association’s annual Wetland Science conference and is open both to conference participants and the general public. Tickets for the banquet and presentation are $60 per person and must be purchased by February 16th. Tickets for the banquet are sold through our conference registration system. To purchase a banquet ticket without registering for the conference, click the ‘REGISTER HERE’ button on this page and select the ‘Banquet Tickets Only’ option. If you are attending the conference, you will be able to add the banquet as part of the “conference” registration process.
Questions? Call Wisconsin Wetlands Association at (608) 250-9971 or email programs@wisconsinwetlands.org.