For communities

Why wetlands?
Healthy wetland landscapes contribute to the health, safety, and livability of nearly every Wisconsin community. Learn more about how wetlands provide cost-effective amenities and services to your community.

Tools for communities
Learn more about wetlands – Find tools and resources that explain the benefits of wetlands and how you can use wetlands to protect public health, safety, and welfare.
Model wetland conservation ordinance – Explore policy options that your community can adopt to put wetlands to work for achieving community goals and priorities.
Wetlands in your community – Learn about your county’s current and historical wetland landscape.
Updates for communities
We regularly post updates, information, and various information for communities. Check out a few recent posts below.
New report details innovative demonstration project work in Ashland County
The connection between wetlands, streams, and floodplains and flood risk reduction is clear: in a healthy and well-connected state this natural infrastructure captures and reduces the energy and velocity of floods. New reports that summarize work done in the Marengo River Watershed demonstrate this connection.
Inaugural rollout of Wisconsin’s Pre-Disaster Flood Resilience Grant generates great interest
Wisconsin’s Pre-Disaster Flood Resilience Grant Program is in the process of accepting its first round of applications—and WWA is encouraged by the high level of interest.
Little Plover River Watershed Enhancement Project hosts Natural Resources Board
WWA and its partners led the seven-member, Governor appointed board on a tour of the project as part of their September meeting in Plover, Wisconsin.